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Rotary Wheel
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Volume 67, Issue 44 Rota-Scribe: Randy McFarland

Opening Traditions  
At President Tom Meyer’s request, Leslie McCarthy started us off by leading the club in the pledge. Howard Wood and his entourage led us in a rendition of “Dixie” and “Smile”, and soonthereafter, past-president Terri Grassi offered the invocation.


  • Leslie McCarthy reminded the club that Thursday and next Wednesday nights are the Top 100 dinners. Help will be appreciated, so please give her a call to insure your role as a “hands-on Rotarian”.
  • Minard Duncan conveyed appreciation from Richmond School for our contribution which helped purchase books for   every student. Our club also received an “Honorary Service Award” from Parks Jr. High.
  • Mark McGee was able to raise $1000. to benefit a Rotary night in a suite at Angel Stadium for the Nicholas Jr. High Speech and Debate team’s trip to the national championships in Kentucky.
  • Dan Ouwelleen requested offers of vans or small buses to transport our Host Hospitality guests from the International Rotary Convention in Los Angeles.
  • Greg Hickman expressed appreciation to two anonymous club Rotarians for their generous help with two community projects his congregation is working on.
  • Lonny Blake is accepting final orders for Rotary Logo shirts.
  • Leslie McCarthy asked members to consider signing up to bring potluck desserts, salads and desserts for 10 to the Host Hospitality event June 16. Did I mention she wants us to bring desserts?
  • Terri Grassi gave us a fair warning to clear our schedules for Tom’s June 25 DEMOTION NIGHT, a greatly anticipated annual event you don’t want to miss. I bet Tom can’t believe how fast the year has gone!
  • Allyn Lean had Prez. Tom present Paul Harris pins to Dick Mathewson and Jane Mathewson and Bill Klinghoffer for their generous donations to the Rotary Foundation.
  • Mark Zane, adhering to the Four Way Test, admitted to becoming a grandfather during “Announcements”, a strategic move, no doubt, orchestrated to avoid the financial consequences of having it mentioned during “Recognitions”.


Jane Mathewson, Jesus, Mary Ashcroft, Rob Farrier
Visiting Rotarian
John Brainerd, of the Newport Irvine club and our esteemed district governor, graced our club with his presence.

John made a nice presentation describing the great opportunity our members have to participate in the International Convention in LA this June 15-19. Most Rotarians must travel transcontinentally to attend this annual event and meet and host our Rotarian leaders and counterparts from around the world.

Joyce Capelle fined Cathy Gach for her anniversary,
Randy McFarland was recognized for a birthday and Joyce reveled in the fact that it was her 9th anniversary as a Rotarian and granting Ray Hansen immunity from fines for today as her sponsor.
Wolf Knabe was congratulated for completing his first year and Jim Blake was fined for being his sponsor.
Jim Young confirmed his membership since our country’s centennial year and Joyce was so flustered trying to determine why he was being honored in the district newsletter that she waived his fine.

Dick Jones made a sincere introduction of member Chris Meyer, Fullerton’s city manager for the past 30 years. Chris made a nice PowerPoint presentation highlighting many projects the city has which greatly contribute to the high living standards we enjoy here. Grade separations, parks, replacement of our Hillcrest Park reservoir (which had lasted us since 1903), parking structures. Interesting facts: Fullerton, (pop. 137,367) is the 179th most populated city in the USA and the 39th in California. Fullerton has 715 full time employees.

Closing thought: “If you think you’re so important, try ordering someone else’s’ dog around.

Rotascribe note: Be working on your best joke or “impersonation” for Humor Day on July 16th. Please let Bill Mathy or Randy McFarland know if you plan to participate or if you are not willing to be a judge.

5/28 Fullerton Rotary Club Assembly Meeting when the new officers get to describe their plans for the year - Chief Pat McKinley
5/28 FUHS Top 100 at Ebel Club 5:30pm
6/4 Disneyland Resort - Current Events and Plans for the Future by David Gill