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Volume 82 Issue 19 Wed Nov 16, 2022

Rota-Scribe: Gerardo Chagolla

Can you hear me or are you listening with Monica Fernandez
Proposed New Member: Jordan Garcia, YMCA Exec Director, by Joe Lins

Meeting was called to order by club President Joe Lins. He is in a great mood this afternoon because he blessed the group with a couple jokes, “it’s good to see everyone this AFTERNOON. What kind of car does Scooby Doo drive? A Scoobaru!” Many in attendance did not immediately understand it. “Thank you for coming and contributing to another Rotary meeting. It’s good to see you all. You know, I hear there are not making 12-inch rulers any longer.” Another great joke that was not immediately understood but was disputed instead. Today’s important facts, “Today in 1907, Oklahoma became the 46th State of the Union. Today in 1914, the Federal Reserve Bank opened its doors in 12 cities. Today in 1982, the 57-day strike in the NFL reduced the 16-week season to only 9-weeks. NFL players from both sides came to a loving agreement.”

For our commencement ceremonies, the Architect that holds the club together, Rick Crane, led us in our invocation. “Good afternoon, Rotarians and guest. Having celebrated and honored Veterans. Having Thanksgiving coming up. Please, join me in prayer.” Rick led us in a powerful prayer that was heartfelt.

Our Patriotic Moment was given to us by Air Force Veteran Thad Sanford. He led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and finished it off with a football chant of “Beat Army!”

Our Songmaster, Bud “Woody” Lang led us in the new verse of “God Bless America.” It's good to have Bud back.

Today’s guest in attendance were introduced by President Lins. “New Chief Executive at Fullerton YMCA. He replaced Rikki Bains who is now at the Boys and Girls Club in Long Beach. Please welcome Jordan Garcia.” Another guest in attendance was a returning Rotarian, Patrick Hartnett. Welcome to all guests!

During this meeting, our Membership Club Service Director, Bailey Klein, approached the podium to explain how to sponsor a new member to Fullerton Rotary Club. (1) First, email her, you must fill out new membership proposal card. Those are found in the Fullerton Rotary Club website. (2) It must be downloaded, filled out and sent in to her so it can be announced during the Board meeting, and Published in the Rotagram. (3) Once satisfied, the Board approves the proposal, then the proposer and (4) prospect is notified by our club secretary, Carol Morris. (5) Once admission fees and completed application have been received, (6) the proposer and members of the Rotary orientation committee inform prospective member of privileges and opportunities of Rotary Club membership. (7) Then, Carol, reports the names to the general secretary of Rotary International. Feel free to email her for more information.

Today’s announcements; President Lins announced a CIA update. “We are almost to our goal of $20,000, We are at $18,540.” Leslie McCarthy approached the podium to announce the Rotary Christmas Social. Always a joy on the podium, “I love that noise! Don’t ask me why, it makes me giggle,” referring to the noise the microphone holder makes when adjusting for height.

“Huge thanks to John and Kerry Phelps and all the sponsors. The event takes place December 14, 2022, from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Admission cost is $25 and one unwrapped toy or gift card per person. The gifts will benefit Crittenton and Boys and Girls Club of Fullerton.” RSVP Leslie by phone or email. Joyce Capelle announced that she already received a donation of $15,968 for matching contributions to the Fullerton Rotary Organization. “Thanks, keep those checks coming in.”

Today’s Finemaster and Recognition Master was Leslie McCarthy. “I was so excited to introduce Rotary to two wonderful people that I forgot my Finemaster list. Anyone that is celebrating any birthdays or anniversaries, please stand up to be recognized.” She excitedly exclaimed, “I want to generate funds for our club so we are going to play a game called Turkey Talk.” The game is simple and fun. There are 7 tables. Each table will be asked a turkey related question, if the answer is correct, they are fine free. If incorrect, everyone will be fined $2, and if they argue or dispute, they will be fined $5. First table, “what is the meaning of talking turkey?” The table speaker Mike Oates answered, “straight talk. No BS.” Leslie replied, “wow, for somebody that BS’s so well. You nailed it. Great job, Mike.” Next table, “where do turkeys roost at night?” The table speaker answered the turkey coup. The answer is turkeys roost in trees, Bill Mathy, who was seating at that table argued so he was fined $5 instead of $2. Next table, “what color is a wild turkey’s wattle? They have 3 colors. I will give you one of the colors if you give me the other 2.” The table answered incorrect and were fined a total of $10. Next table, “how do female turkeys, whether wild or domestic judge suitable mates?” The table speaker asked if it was a trick question, “the size of their waddle?” The answer was correct and the table went fine free. Next table, “what color are domestic turkeys?” Table speaker answered white which is the correct answer and were fine free. Next Table, “Oh geez, I don’t know if I can ask this question. Can turkeys fly?” Table speaker answered yes, “how do they get on the trees?” No fine for the table. Next table, “How many pounds of Turkey’s do Americans consume for Thanksgiving each year? The table speaker answered, 1 billion 200 million pounds which was incorrect. The table was fined $12. Immediate Past President Zoot Velasco disputes his fine for the color of a wild turkey’s wattle. Leslie fines him another $5. Zoot said he pre-fined himself for this occasion. Turkey Talk was a fun and successful way to generate funds for the club. Great job Leslie!

Today, President Lins had the honor of inducting 3 new members to Fullerton Rotary Club. Bill Edman, healthcare and supplemental insurance agent, sponsored by Dan Ouweleen. Theresa Stachelski, mortgage loan officer, sponsored by Dan Ouweleen. Patrick Hartnett is a returning member who is an attorney sponsored by Jim Williams. Part of the induction process is to repeat the Four-Way Test: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? “Please stand and welcome the newest Rotarians. Lady and gentlemen, welcome aboard to The Fullerton Rotary Club.”

Today’s Program at Hand: “Bad news is our scheduled presenter injured himself over the weekend. We are rescheduling that. Jim Williams was able to bring in a great replacement. Please welcome the very talented, holder of the Fountain of Youth, Monica Fernandez.” Monica Fernandez is the owner of Fullerton Hearing Center. She is a hearing instrument specialist. She thanked President Lins and the club for allowing her to speak about her craft. “Listening occurs in the brain. Our brain processes our hearing but if the correct information isn’t processed, the brain cannot fill in the missing pieces faster.” Monica presented a PowerPoint explaining the anatomy of an ear, outer ear and inner ear. She was asked a question right away, “how far are you supposed to stick a Q-Tip in your ear?” She answered that you are not supposed to stick a Q-Tip or a Bobby Pin in there, “you will damage you ear drum.” Her expertise goes beyond Q-Tips and sticking things in your ear. She explained the 3 types of hearing loss, Sensorineural hearing loss, which is a hearing loss that includes difficulty with speech and volume clarity. This hearing loss affects around 90% of adults 50 or older. Conductive hearing loss, which happens when sounds cannot get through the outer and middle ear. This kind of hearing loss makes it difficult to hear soft sounds and louder sounds may be muffled. Medicine or surgery can often fix this type of hearing loss. Mixed hearing loss has elements of both conductive hearing and sensorineural hearing loss. This means that there is damage to both outer and inner ear, where the outer ear cannot conduct sound properly to the inner ear, and the inner ear cannot process the sound to be sent to the brain. In her profession, an Audiogram is used to determine the hearing of an individual. This test shows how one hears tones, high pitched sounds versus low pitched sounds. Other test conducted are Speech audiometry, which involves two different test: one checks how loud speech needs to be for you to hear while the other checks how clearly you understand and distinguish different words when you hear them spoken. “Hearing loss makes the brain work harder. The brain does a lot of the work for processing. 2/3 people aged 70 or older have hearing loss.” She took questions from the audience, “Do you have therapy for husbands with selecting hearing?” She comically answered that she has been asked that before by wives. After her presentation, President Lins presented her with the highly coveted speakers gift. “We really appreciate what you do. I personally appreciate what you did for me.”

Last thing on the agenda was the 50/50 drawing. “I’ve got money to give out this afternoon.” Lucky ticket holder 6369435 wins $26. Carol Morris won the money. Congratulations Carol! “Lastly, our monthly board meeting is being rescheduled for November, 30. Our program next week is our annual pre-Thanksgiving program, Sharing the Attitude of Gratitude, with Joyce Capelle conducting our Thanksgiving Day program. If you need anything between now and then make sure we know. Charge on! Meeting is adjourned.”

Invite a Friend and Share Rotary

11/16/22 Are you listening with
Monica Fernandez
Joyce capelle is in charge of our thanksgiving program
at John & Kerry Phelps - 5:30pm
11/30/22 Senior Craft Talk
Terri Grassi
12/07/22 Call State Fullerton Economic Update
Mira Farka, CSUF Economics Professor
12/21/22 (No Meeting - Merry Christmas)
12/28/22 (No Meeting - Happy New Year)
1/04/23 Launching New Frontiers in Space
JPL / NASA Storeyteller Paul Propster
(published using 100% recycled electrons)
this edition was published in Poipu Beach, HI

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